Dawn Raid Management Tool

Dawn Raid Management Tool

Our Dawn Raid Management tool simplifies the stressful process of managing a surprise investigation and ensures secure communication in case of a dawn raid. 

Created in collaboration with safeREACH, a company that makes user-friendly and reliable alarm systems to cope safely with crises and incidents, the tool provides a "red-button alarm system" that is easily activated in the event of a surprise investigation by competition or regulatory authorities.  

  • As soon as investigators arrive, instead of searching for phone numbers of dawn raid coordinators, receptionists simply activate an alert through a user-friendly button directly on their computer screen.
  • Immediately all stakeholders, including external counsel, are informed through an alarm on their phone that a dawn raid is taking place, at which address and by which authority.
  • The dawn raid coordinator automatically receives clear instructions on what to do through the app.
  • Stakeholders can communicate and exchange documents through a secure internal chatroom.
  • Access to checklists and customized documents directly through the app.

Resources available:

  • Watch this short video to better understand how the Dawn Raid Management tool works

The Dawn Raid Management tool is part of Bird & Bird's wider Compliance & Investigations offering, which includes a Dawn Raid App, a Dawn Raid Game and eLearning courses on Competition Law topics. 

comp award

Dawn Raid Management Tool

Read our brochure here


  • User-friendly, automatic alert system
  • Clear instructions provided to all stakeholders through the app
  • Store checklists and guidelines to ensure a coordinated procedure in the event of an investigation
  • Secure chat function for a fast flow of information
  • Audit-proof documentation of the alert and internal communication
  • Reduced stress and confusion during a surprise investigation

Find out more about how our Competition & EU law practice can help you here.