I’m very surprised how many stimulating and developing projects we encounter. Due to constant changes in our tax regulations, we have a lot of open projects which we have to monitor, and we need to always be in line with all changes. The Firm provides access to a variety of the latest professional tools which make our jobs easier and encourages us to participate in professional trainings and seminars. The career path is quite clear and discussed with managers during our annual appraisals. I’m happy that I can be part of the finance team in a company which gives the possibility for all to grow and develop in an international environment.
I’m proud of every single project which I took part in. Our tax regulations are changing quite dynamically so we need to reconcile our local practice with group standards. I’m delighted that we are managing it without any impact on business continuity. I’m also proud of being a member of a company which is growing so fast and building a strong position on the market.