Regulatory United Arab Emirates


Bird & Bird (MEA) LLP is an affiliated business of Bird & Bird LLP. Bird & Bird (MEA) LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales with registered number OC353760 and is authorised and regulated in England and Wales by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”) with SRA ID 539888. Its registered office and principal place of business in the United Kingdom is at 12 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1JP with branch offices: (i) in Dubai registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre Authority as a Recognised Limited Liability Partnership under commercial licence no CL2137, registered with the Dubai Financial Services Authority and further regulated by the Dubai Legal Affairs Department, and with registered office at Unit C1403, Level 14, Burj Daman, Dubai International Financial Centre, PO Box 507110, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and (ii) in Abu Dhabi registered in Abu Dhabi Global Market under registration no. 000000550 and with the Department of Economic Development under licence no CN-1197339, and with registered office at Level 8, Al Maqam Tower, ADGM Square, Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates..

The word "partner" is used to refer to a member of Bird & Bird (MEA) LLP or an employee or consultant, or to a partner, member, director, employee or consultant in any of its affiliated or associated businesses, with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of members of Bird & Bird (MEA) LLP, and of any non-members who are designated as partners, and of their respective professional qualifications, is open to inspection at our London office address. 

The rules of the SRA can be accessed at Employees of Bird & Bird (MEA) LLP may be authorised to practice in one of several jurisdictions and may be subject to regulation accordingly.