As Of Counsel in our Finance & Financial Regulation Group in Milan, I have significant experience working with banks, investment and insurance companies, and in brokers' regulation, where I am an expert in the field.
Before joining the team at Bird & Bird in 2012, I worked for CONSOB, the Italian Financial Services Authority, for 18 years. I led the Intermediaries Supervision and Register Office from 2007 where I was responsible for authorising Italian investment companies, as well as the regulatory and enforcement activities – including conduct and transparency rules – for investment services delivered by banks and investment companies.
Using my vast experience, I assist banks and financial intermediaries in identifying, in light of regulation, the best strategic, procedural and operational solutions linked to the provision of investment services. When possible I stick to an approach that is open to market and business dynamics; and I am able to seize the opportunities related to the evolution of the rules.
I also support clients in their relationships with the Supervisory Authorities in relation to sanction proceedings.
Over the years, I have written a number of articles and publications, including: "Limiti di applicabilità alle Sim degli artt. 5 e 5-bis della l. 216/1974", Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 1992; "Decorrenza dei termini per le azioni revocatorie in caso di dichiarazioni di fallimento consecutivo a concordato preventivo o ad amministrazione controllata", Banca Borsa e Titoli di credito, 1994; 'La crisi delle Sim di fatto', Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 1999; "Orientamenti in tema di intermediari e promotori finanziari", Foro Italiano, 2001; "Intermediari e promotori finanziari", Torino, 2005 (of which I am co-author), "Il collocamento", L'attuazione della MiFID in Italia, Bologna, 2010 and 'Certificati di deposito: riconducibilità al TUF o al TUB?', Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 2013.