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Welcome to our Regional Employment Guide

Central, Southern and Eastern Europe

If you’re contemplating entering the region’s market, this simple guide will help you navigate your way through key employment questions and compare the relevant employment-related regulatory environments across 18 jurisdictions from Albania to Turkey.

With many of our clients, investors and businesses already operating in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, we are often asked for comparative advice on employment legal aspects in a number of countries from the region. And we’ve joined forces with Adriala, Stratulat Albulescu Attorneys at Law from Romania, Zepos & Yannopoulos from Greece, and BTS & Partners from Turkey and Integrites from Ukraine – all law firms which enjoy mutual trust and proven experience over the years – to prepare this guide.

Employment law is regulated nationally, so it is not possible to set out the position in each jurisdiction in full detail. Instead, we are providing user-friendly summaries. If you would like more in-depth employment law advice, please contact our lawyers.

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Compare answers to key employment law questions across 17 jurisdictions

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