

New act implementing the monitoring obligations and amendments to a few existing acts entered into force on 17th February 2024. 

Document reflecting Finland's status can be found here.

What entity has been or will be appointed the Digital Services Coordinator (DSC) for the purposes of the Digital Services Act?

Name (in national language):
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto (Traficom)

Name (in English): 
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)

Website of Digital Services Coordinator
National statutory basis of the appointment of the DSC

What entities have been appointed as trusted flaggers in this jurisdiction?

Have any trusted flaggers been appointed?

 Name of trusted flagger  Area of Focus of trusted flagger  National/Cross border trusted flagger Date of Appointment    Website of trusted flagger
Tekijänoikeuden tiedotus- ja valvontakeskus ry (Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre)  Unauthorised use of copyrighted material Cross border trusted flagger  07/03/2024
Pelastakaa Lapset ry (Save the Children Finland)  Protection of minors   N/A 18/06/2024
Somis Enterprises Oy  Illegal or harmful speech, non-consensual behaviour, online bullying, online intimidation, protection of minors, scams and/or fraud   N/A 18/06/2024









Out-of-court dispute settlement bodies

Have any out-of-court dispute settlement bodies been appointed in this jurisdiction?

What are the names of the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies that have been appointed?

Further information about these out-of-court dispute settlement bodies

Name of out-of-court dispute settlement body

Date of Appointment

Website of out-of-court dispute settlement body


To find out more about the current collective action regime in this jurisdiction click here.