

The implementing legislation (Act CIV of 2023 on certain rules for online intermediary services) was enacted in December 2023 and entered into force on 17 February 2024.

So far, the DSC has issued two enforcement decrees: 

  1. (NMHH Decree no. 4/2024. (III. 21.) detailing the rules for put-of-dispute settlement bodies under the DSA. See the decree in Hungarian here.
  2. NMHH Decree no. 6/2024. (VII. 7.) on supervisory fees for online platforms, see the decree in Hungarian here.

In addition, draft DSC decrees has been submitted to public consultation on the detailed rules of trusted flaggers. The consultation period has closed, however the final decree has not been published yet.

Document reflecting Hungary's status can be found here.  

What entity has been or will be appointed the Digital Services Coordinator (DSC) for the purposes of the Digital Services Act?

Name (in national language):
Nemzeti Média és Hírközlési Hatóság

Name (in English): 
National Media and Infocommunications Authority

Website of Digital Services Coordinator
National law dealing with the appointment of the DSC
National law dealing with the powers of the DSC

What entities have been appointed as trusted flaggers in this jurisdiction?

Have any trusted flaggers been appointed?

Name of trusted flagger Area of Focus of trusted flagger National/Cross border trusted flagger Date of Appointment   Website of trusted flagger
 N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A




Out-of-court dispute settlement bodies

Have any out-of-court dispute settlement bodies been appointed in this jurisdiction?

What are the names of the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies that have been appointed?

Further information about these out-of-court dispute settlement bodies

Name of out-of-court dispute settlement body

Date of Appointment

Website of out-of-court dispute settlement body