Miło nam poinformować, że warszawskie biuro kancelarii Bird & Bird zostało ponownie wyróżnione przez międzynarodowy ranking Chambers Global Guide.
W tegorocznej edycji rankingu praktyka własności intelektualnej utrzymała pozycję Band 2, podczas gdy Marta Koremba awansowała w kategorii Intellectual Property do Band 3.
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"Bird & Bird immediately understood our issues and provided tailored solutions."
"I have full trust in Bird & Bird: the lawyers provide legal knowledge, market overview and hands-on advice."
"The lawyers at Bird & Bird have extensive experience and understanding of the client's business needs."
"The team is responsive and easy to relate to. The lawyers think outside the box."
"Ludomir Biedecki provides very good and pragmatic overall support. He has good commercial vision which allows us to get the deal over the line in a pragmatic manner."
"Ludomir has extensive knowledge of our business and sector. He and his team are responsive, and their advice is commercial and pragmatic."
"Marta has an innovative mindset in terms of her solutions. She thinks about the bigger picture."
"Marta is very pragmatic, she always wants to understand business needs."
"I am very happy to recommend Piotr Dynowski."