compass on a yellow background

CSRD Scoping Compass

International CSRD Scoping Simplified

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a complex and far-reaching piece of legislation which poses a significant challenge for companies, including those headquartered outside the EU/EEA (European Economic Area).

Are you fully aware of how extensively the CSRD could affect your business? Even if your business isn’t headquartered in the EU/EEA, you may still be required to provide detailed sustainability reporting from EU/EAA based subsidiaries and branches. 

Our CSRD Scoping Compass helps you demystify your obligations as a non-EU/EEA headquartered company and assists in navigating the reporting process, ensuring you understand and meet the EU's expectations for sustainability disclosure. It’s designed to simplify the complexity of the CSRD and ensure you are compliant within the right timelines. 

The high cost of non-compliance

Continuing without an understanding of how the CSRD affects you could have significant impacts on your business. Failure to comply with the CSRD can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Enforcement Actions: Investigations, fines and penalties.
  • Reputational Damage: Negative impact on your brand image and stakeholder trust.
  • Indirect Impact: Even if not in scope, compliance may be required to maintain business relationships in your value chain.

International CSRD Scoping Simplified

Our tool simplifies the process of complying by providing:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Understand how the CSRD applies to you as a global group headquartered outside the EU/EEA.
  • Clear Guidance: Determine the scope of your reporting obligations and timelines.
  • Recommendations: Prioritise material issues and identify key stakeholders.
  • Interactive Experience: Easily navigate through the tool to gain an understanding of impacts in different scenarios through a series of company case studies.
  • Local Expertise: Contact details of our legal experts who will help you understand how the CSRD is implemented into national laws and ensure your compliance with specific national requirements.

A proactive approach to compliance

Legal and compliance teams need to proactively manage CSRD reporting obligations to minimise the risks outlined, and our CSRD Scoping Compass is the first step in that journey.

Businesses should take these steps to navigate these complexities:

  1. Understand the scope: Determine if your company falls under the CSRD's jurisdiction.
  2. Prepare early: Start planning and implementing reporting strategies well in advance.
  3. Seek expert advice: Consult with local legal experts to ensure compliance with national laws.
  4. Monitor changes: Stay informed about updates to the CSRD and related regulations.
  5. Prioritise risks: Focus on the most significant sustainability issues.
  6. Leverage transitional provisions: Take advantage of temporary measures to ease the initial burden of compliance.

Once you’ve understood how the CSRD applies to your business using our tool, reach out to one of our team to find out how to minimise your risks and further demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. 

CSRD Scoping Compass

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