Poland: The Sejm has passed a remote work amendment

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paulina grotkowska module
Paulina Grotkowska


I work as a Counsel in our Employment team in Warsaw. I am an expert in individual and collective law with a particular interest in trade union relations and employee benefit schemes.

magdalena profic Module
Magdalena Profic


I work as a junior associate in the Employment team at Bird & Bird.

On 13 January 2023, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish parliament) finally passed the amendment to the Labour Code introducing remote work.

The amendment is still to be signed into law by the President of Poland and published in the Journal of Laws before it will become officially binding, with a standard two-month period for its enactment.

As a result, employers will be required to start intensive preparatory and implementation work, including:

  • Developing objectives and implementation strategies
    • work systems (remote, hybrid, occasional)
    • costs and settlement models (cash equivalent or a fixed fee)
    • time & place of work
  • Organising resources for implementation
    • software (e.g. IT)
    • service providers (e.g. OHS services)
    • procedures (e.g. data protection, control)
  • Developing documentation templates
    • remote / hybrid work / right to home office policies
    • data protection procedure
    • occupational health & safety documentation (e.g. assessment of professional risk)
  • Implementing remote work in an organisation
    • consulting employee representatives
    • communication
    • adopting final internal regulations and individual arrangements.

You are welcome to contact us for more information. Our legal and tax knowledge, experience and expertise will allow you to implement remote work in your organisation optimally and effectively.


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