About Me

I am a senior associate in Bird & Bird's International HR Services department in the Madrid office.

Since the beginning of my professional career I have been dedicated to this exciting branch of law.

During my years of professional experience, I have advised multiple clients, both nationally and internationally, on all types of employment law matters, including: employment contracts and special conditions, drafting of legal reports and opinions, internal flexibility measures, suspensions and terminations of individual employment relationships, and advice on contracts or services with third parties and temporary employment agencies.

I have actively participated in the field of collective labour relations, including collective lay-offs, modification of the work force's working conditions and on collective suspension of employment relations, among others.

Furthermore, I have experience on the judicialisation and defence of procedures both from the perspective of the claimant as well as from the point of view of the defendant, which is a part of the labour field which captivates me.


  • Degree in Law and a masters in labour Law and HHRR both from ESADE university in Barcelona.


  • Member of the Barcelona Bar Association (2018)

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