A multi-jurisdictional team of Corporate Technology experts from Bird & Bird’s Nordic and Central European offices have contributed to the inaugural ‘Technology M&A Review’ book published by The Law Reviews.
The book highlights similarities and differences between technology M&A and ‘normal’ M&A across sixteen countries. Bird & Bird’s team provided an overview for the M&A markets in Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary and Sweden.
Each chapter covered a range of topics including legal & regulatory frameworks, key transactional issues, purchase price regulations, data protection and a general market overview.
Michael J Kennedy, editor of the book, commented that; “One of [the books] unstated premises is that because of technology’s importance, effective technology lawyering in M&A necessarily involves and requires a broad set of legal skills across many practice areas; and that requirement will likely increase as governments and interest groups from all spectrums focus on the sector.”
Links to the Bird & Bird chapters are provided below: