I am Senior Associate in Bird & Bird's intellectual property team in Dublin. I have over ten years' experience advising clients on contentious IP matters and truly enjoy being part of an international law firm where we can work together to advise clients on strategies across jurisdictions.
I have acted for clients in the most high-profile pharmaceutical patent disputes to come before the Irish Courts including the precedent setting cases involving both tiotropium bromide and apixaban. This extensive experience allows me to provide strategic advice to clients as to how best to protect their position, or to enter the market.
I have extensive trade mark experience and advise clients on both brand protection and enforcement with a focus on pharmaceutical products, luxury goods, and retail and consumer goods. My experience includes bringing and defending preliminary injunction applications, advising on trade mark infringement and passing off and leading successful mediations for clients.
I advise clients on all aspects of copyright law including acting in a longstanding dispute before the Irish High Court in respect of equitable remuneration for performers.
In addition to being a solicitor, I am also a registered trade mark agent in Ireland with the right to appear before the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland and also the European Union Intellectual Property Office.