On 15 September 2020, Law no. 120 dated 11 September 2020, converting, with amendments, Law-Decree no. 76 of 16 July 2020 (the “Semplificazioni Decree”), containing urgent measures for simplification and digital innovation, was published in the Italian Official Gazette.
Pursuant to Article 64 of the Semplificazioni Decree, SACE S.p.A. may issue guarantees (the “SACE Green Guarantees”) in order to support projects aimed at facilitating the transition towards a clean and circular economy, or aimed at accelerating the transition towards sustainable and intelligent mobility (the “Environmental Objectives”).
Subsequently, Law no. 160 of 27 December 2019 (the “2020 Budget Law”) provided for a series of measures aimed at implementing a public investment plan for the development of an Italian Green Deal, in line with the environmental strategy promoted by the European Commission.