Competitive Edge: Competition & EU Law - June 2023

Written By

morten nissen Module
Morten Nissen


I'm a partner and co-head of our international Competition & EU group. I also lead the Competition & EU team in Denmark. I have a particular focus on applying competition & EU law as a tool to achieve specific and measurable business objectives for our clients.

pauline kuipers Module
Pauline Kuipers


I am a partner in our NL office, based in The Hague, where I was one of its founding lawyers in 2001.

Keeping you up to date on Competition & EU law developments in Europe and beyond


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In Focus

The UK’s new digital competition regime is on the horizon – are you ready?

The UK’s Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill has finally been put before Parliament. The Bill establishes a new digital competition regime that will be overseen by the Digital Markets Unit within the CMA that will use a proportionate approach to tackle the challenges in digital markets. In this article we deal with highlights of the new regime and look into the differences between the Bill and the EU Digital Markets Act.

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UK competition law powers: sharper teeth, larger fines – New Bill bolsters investigative and enforcement powers of the CMA

On 25 April 2023, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill was finally put before Parliament. The Bill aims to increase the level of competition among businesses “both online and on the high street”. It brings together a series of reforms across the CMA’s competition tools and, notably, where relevant, these tools apply to sector regulators when exercising concurrent competition powers. The four focus areas include (i) merger control, (ii) market inquiries, (iii) investigation powers, and (iv) investigation and enforcement.

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Updates from our jurisdictions


The Microsoft/Activision collision - why did the EU and the UK disagree on this deal?

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For more information, please contact Anne Federle or Ruben Verdoodt.


That’s a bit OTT: ACCC begins inquiry into wholesale regulation of telecommunications services in Australia

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For more information, please contact Thomas Jones, Matthew Bovaird, Patrick Cordwell or Dylan McGirr.


Authority imposes a EUR 2.78 million fine on Novartis for disparaging its competitor’s products

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For more information, please contact Baptist Vleeshouwers or Ruben Verdoodt.


Bad advertising has high cost - concerted practice continued after the expiry of written agreement

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For more information, please contact Morten Nissen, Alexander Brøchner or Nanna Sofie Krabbe.


Rising stakes: enhanced vigilance by the Hungarian Competition Authority

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For more information, please contact Gábor Kutai or Dániel Aranyi.


Getting settlement procedures right: Italian competition authority adopts procedural guidance

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For more information, please contact Lucia Antonazzi or Federico Marini Balestra.


Playing by the rules: another development in EU sports and competition

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For more information, please contact Pauline Kuipers or Reshmi Rampersad.


Poland implements the ECN+ Directive, and much more

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For more information, please contact Marcin Alberski or Szymon Golebiowski.

United Kingdom

CMA launches review into AI market

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For more information, please contact Dr. Saskia King, Tenisha Burslem Rotheroe or Peter Willis.

Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation Updates

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For more information, please contact Dr. Saskia King or Tenisha Burslem Rotheroe.

Events, webinars, conferences

ERA Summer Course

European Antitrust Law

3 - 7 July
Trier, Germany

This course, organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA), will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the basics of EU antitrust law and a comprehensive update on the latest developments in each field. Participants will have the chance to gain in-depth knowledge through case studies and workshops.

On 7 July, Bird & Bird partner Hein Hobbelen and counsel Baptist Vleeshouwers will teach a course on the European Commission’s leniency policy as a key tool in the fight against cartels and lead a dawn raid simulation exercise.

More information and registration 

Informa course

Competition Law Summer School 2023

31 July - 4 August
Cambridge, UK | Downing College

This all-inclusive residential 5-day course will provide you with a firm understanding of the core principles of EU and UK competition law and economics, and their practical application.

The speaker lineup includes Bird & Bird competition experts:

Anne Federle - presenting on Hard Core Cartels:
Principles and Practical Examples, on Day 1, Monday 31st July.

Dr. Saskia King presenting on 3 August:

  • Chair's opening remarks
  • A Practical Guide to Merger Proceedings
  • Case Study: Mergers
  • Navigating the Competition Process

Get a 20% discount on your registration fee 


Lear Competition Festival 2023

26 - 29 September
Rome, Italy | WeGil - Largo Ascianghi 5

Bird & Bird is proud to be a partner of this unique four-day event in Rome focused on competition law, where participants will be able to gain a deeper understanding of specific antitrust issues through discussions, know-how sessions, networking events and much more.

On 28 September, our Rome-based Competition partner Dr. Federico Marini Balestra will moderate the plenary session Antitrust Enforcement, Industrial Concentration and Political Power with two prominent economists Andrea Prat, Professor of Business and Economics, Columbia University and Luigi Zingales, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

View the event program 

More information and registration 

Bird & Bird news

Partner appointed as Non-Governmental Advisor to the Danish Competition & Consumer Authority

We are proud to announce that Danish Partner and Co-Head of our international Competition & EU group Morten Nissen has been appointed as Non-Governmental Advisor to the Danish Competition & Consumer Authority (Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen) in relation to abuse of dominance questions within the International Competition Network (ICN).

Top Competition lawyer in Germany

Congratulations to Dr. Stephan Waldheim for his recognition in WirtschaftsWoche as one of the best Antitrust lawyers of 2023. WirtschaftsWoche is one of Germany‘s most well-known economic weekly newspapers.

Bird & Bird was also recognised as "Top law firm 2023" in this publication.

Read more here 

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