Middle East

Increasingly, international companies are looking to expand, invest or do business in the Middle East and North Africa.

We provide our local and international clients with a single point of contact to advise, and manage advice from across the Middle East, through our offices in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

We offer expert legal advice across the corporate and commercial world, with special focus on certain key industry sectors. We do this through a combination of lawyers on the ground in the UAE and the ability of those lawyers to call upon, and take advantage, of the worldwide expertise that Bird & Bird is able to offer from our broad network of international offices. Our local knowledge, coupled with being able to access the finest lawyers from our recommended ‘best friend’ law firm network enables us to be able to meet all of your needs in this region - providing local expertise within a global context. 

As well as our growing practice in the Middle East, we also have considerable experience within Northern Africa advising across similar industries, including telecoms, energy & utilities, IT and media. We manage our growing relationships across Francophone Africa through our office in Paris.

For more information about our practice in the Middle East, please contact the Head of our Middle East operations, Anders Nilsson, or Simon Shooter in London. For further details about how we can help you in North Africa please contact Gildas Louvel in Paris.

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