Fourth edition of InnovatingNL in The Hague

The fourth edition of InnovatingNL recently took place at Spaces Rode Olifant with a theme of Law & new technology from a practical and ethical point of view. 

Around 55 delegates, directors and senior officers from different national and international organisations took the opportunity to attend to learn more. 

During the event, we explored how legislators and society can (and do) deal with the increasing complexity of newly-enabled human behaviour, including employee monitoring, taxes on robot labour, enabling autonomous vehicles, risk management and insurance in the digital era, access to innovative medicines and the control over the flow of information and fake news. All of these issues were discussed during interactive workshops and an information market. 

InnovatingNL event image

Partners Evelyn Tjon-En-Fa and Marc van Wijngaarden opened the event, followed by a presentation on data growth and boundaries, practice and ethics from keynote speaker and partner Ronald Hendrikx

After Ronald's presentation, partners Roelien van Neck and Pauline Kuipers discussed the new Geo-Blocking regulation

The event was then split into three workshop sessions: 

  • trade secrets and information market – Wouter Pors looked at the new protection of trade secrets legislation and gave practical tips on the steps that companies need to take. Following the presentation there was an information market where attendees could catch-up with partners and senior associates and ask them specific questions relevant to their organisations. 
  • technology & the Law – Controlling technology and the flow of information - Principal regulatory consultant Marianne Minnecré and Senior Counsel Maurits Westerik discussed the interplay between technology and the law, the ownership of data and the control over the flow of information. They then went on to look at the security of information as required by GDPR and NIS directive.  
  • employee monitoring and the GDPR – Senior associate Wilfred Steenbruggen and partner Philip Hartmann discussed employers' rights to screen social media profiles, monitor IT usage and track vehicles amongst others. 

After a short break, there were two more workshops:

  • how to manage and insure the risks of new technologies
  • technology & the Law – Controlling technology and the flow of information.

The workshop on how to manage and insure the risks of new technologies, was held by Partner Evelyn Tjon-en-Fa and Associate Raoul Grifoni Waterman. First, Evelyn talked about the digital transformation of the world affects the way in which liability risks and ‘first party risks’ are being assessed and priced. Afterwards, Raoul gave a very interesting and informative presentation about Blockchain.    

After the final panel discussion, the delegates had the opportunity to network and discuss the presentations.

Evelyn Tjon-En-Fa and Marc van Wijngaarden, the founders of InnovatingNL, commented:

"We are very happy with the interesting topics of the fourth edition of InnovatingNL. The delegates are getting increasingly familiar with the concept of this event and were very enthusiastic about the breadth and depth of the workshops."

Feedback from participants was also positive with comments such as: "Another good seminar. Topical subjects and good speakers" and "Many thanks for this event! "

For more information, please contact Evelyn and Marc.

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