As a partner in our international Tech & Comms sector group in Denmark, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise of the legal implications of technology and data-driven innovation. I provide legal advice to IT companies on a wide range of technology-related issues as well as on IP and data protection aspects of new disruptive technologies.
I advise IT companies of every size, from startups to large corporations as well as public authorities, on contractual and public procurement law issues, with a particular emphasis on drafting and negotiating outsourcing and IT agreements, as well as resolving IT-related disputes. Over the years, I have developed a deep understanding of the legal landscape surrounding the tech industry. Furthermore, I handle public tenders, mostly in relation to complex IT projects and framework agreements and have been involved in various cross-border IT transactions.
In addition to my extensive experience in contractual and public procurement law, I am also highly knowledgeable in data protection law, including data processing agreements, privacy aspects of cloud computing, data transfer agreements, and GDPR compliance projects.
As AI continues to revolutionise the tech industry, I have expanded my expertise to include the regulatory requirements and IP and data protection issues surrounding the development and deployment of AI systems. I also work with clients to draft internal guidelines for the use of AI and provide advice on the legal implications of AI technologies.
I am a certified IT lawyer, which requires a minimum of 500 hours of annual work on IT cases, ensuring that I have top-level technological insight and in-depth knowledge of market practices. I am also an experienced negotiator and litigator, and a certified mediator and arbitrator. I have represented clients in a number of arbitration cases, and have been appointed as arbitrator in some major IT-related arbitrations. I am a certified IT-disputes expert by the organisation of Danish IT Attorneys.
Finally, I am a frequent speaker at conferences on IT law and contractual issues. This includes participation as a speaker with Advokaternes HR (Lawyer's HR) in the course, Cloud Computing, where I among other things can clarify the complex subject. Furthermore, have I co-authored a number of publications, including books on the Danish standard contracts K01 and K02, contracts for agile software development, and the GDPR. My extensive experience and expertise make me a valuable partner to any business in the tech industry.