The Unified Patent Court has been operational since 1 June 2023. Not all EU member states have signed up to the UPC Agreement (UPCA). Our map below provides you with a snapshot on the current situation with the UP/UPC in each EU country and is continually updated by our team of expert patent litigators based across the EU and in all major UPC divisions.
Click on the map below to learn more about each EU country's status in the UP and UPC.
Status | |
UPCA in force - EU state has ratified UPCA | |
UPCA NOT in force - EU state has signed but NOT ratified UPCA | |
UPCA NOT in force - EU state NOT participating in UPCA |
This map was also contributed to by the following firms, with whom we have a co-operation agreement / close working relationships, and provided us with information on jurisdictions where we do not have an office: Tsvetkova Bebov Partners, Sorainen, Emilianides & Kyriakides Law Office, Sérvulo & Associados, Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates L.P.C., Ellex Valiunas, GVTH Advocate, NNDKP, Jadek & Pensa, and Gassauer-Fleissner Rechtsanwälte Gmb.